Grandpa Is In the Stars #SOL16 Day 1


My father passed away nine days ago at the age of 66.  Although he was in his second round of chemo, my parents had recently purchased an ocean side condo in Florida and he was thrilled with this new chapter of their lives.  He told my mom the day before he died that they had “bought paradise.”  Last Saturday they purchased fishing poles, a tackle box, and lures.  He was sorting through his tackle box in anticipation of their fishing “date” on Sunday.  When he wasn’t feeling strong enough to walk later Saturday evening they called the rescue and within an hour he was gone.

You’re never prepared when you get that phone call.   My father’s death seemed so sudden and unexpected even though he had been sick for four years.  As his loving adult daughter, I was in shock but could eventually sort through the feelings of loss and gratitude for the years I had with my dad.  It’s a whole different story  when you have to explain to your four-year-old son that his Grandpa has left this earth.  What is appropriate? How much should I say?  My little guy is so innocent, so trusting, so joyful. I don’t want to take any of that away from him.

My husband and I agreed that we would explain it in “The Lion King” terms since this is a recent favorite of our little guy. I explained that just like Kion’s grandfather Mufasa is in the stars, now our Grandpa is in the stars.  We talked about heaven and God and how Grandpa feels good now that he’s in heaven.   My son mentioned that he’d like Grandpa to come back down from the stars because he calls him “Big Man.”  I said that Grandpa loved him very much and he’ll always be Grandpa’s “Big Man.”  We can look at pictures and think of Grandpa.  My older nieces and nephews feel a responsibility to eventually pass down their stories and memories of Grandpa to my son so that he can “remember” him as well.

I also feel a tremendous responsibility to tell his story.  I want my son to have a sense of where he came from.  I used to write in a journal every day.  Writing helped me sort through my feelings and gain perspective.  Somehow, over the years I got away from it.  This Slice of Life challenge was the boost I needed to get back to writing.  I am grateful. Grandpa is in the stars.  While I am still on this earth I will tap into all the potential I have.



14 thoughts on “Grandpa Is In the Stars #SOL16 Day 1”

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is so tough. Your dad sounds like he loved life and family and dreams.
    Your first slice, while a hard one, is beautiful. I think you are going to like this writing community.


  2. Welcome to this community of caring and loving individuals. Your slice is a beautiful tribute to your Dad and will be something to share as your son gets older.


  3. What a tough time for you and your family and a wonderful way to help your son begin to understand and accept. 6 months ago I lost my husband and while everyone in the family is mourning in their way each one mourns differently. It’s so hard to understand “gone”.
    Thinking of you Melanie,
    Bonnie K.


  4. Bonnie, I am so sorry for your loss. I do agree that everyone mourns in their own way. Thank you for your thoughtful response.


  5. It has been almost 25 years since my dad passed away and yes the hurt is still there. I was lucky then that I didn’t have to explain it to a young child, but I did get to explain my grandfather’s death to my children. I will never forget my youngest crying the night of great grandpa’s visitation and begging them not to put her grandpa in the box. Now she is able to look back at pictures of her grandpa and only has good memories. This will be the same for your son.


  6. Thank you for sharing this most intimate moment with us. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Explaining life’s mysteries seems an impossible task sometimes. Bless you and your family.


  7. Writing does help to sort out feelings and preserve memories. I am so sorry for your loss. It is never easy to say good-bye forever. Welcome to this slicing world, your words matter and touch other lives.


  8. I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope that writing down treasured memories of your father to share with your son when he is older will bring you comfort.


  9. I lost my father to cancer at 70. I will never stop missing him. The Little Prince has always been special to our family: “In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night…You – only you – will have stars that can laugh.”
    Thank you for this beautiful post.


    1. Thank you, Anna. I am sorry for the loss of your father. I loved reading this quote from The Little Prince that you provided. It is a gift.


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